Thursday 7 June 2012

Does He/She like you enough though or you're just being taken for a ride?

I was having a chat with one of my friends and we were talking about guys that string you along and yet they never tell you they like you, or that they want to be with you. These guys will treat you like you're their girl sometimes, and sometimes like you're just a friend and sometimes they are nowhere to be found. I'm going to tell you what i think will be going on based on how i think sometimes (yes me).
If you've had a fling with a guy for months upon months and sometimes even years and yet you still don't know where you stand with him please allow me to put things into perspective for you:
 This guy likes you but not enough to be with you or to make it official, he'll keep you around while he searches for exactly what he wants and if he doesn't find it he will settle for you! In the meantime you're chasing away guys that want to be with you because it's him you want to be with... aint that sad?
 Ofcourse i'm not an expert, i'm just a girl who's done the same thing to a few guys. Sometimes I didn't like a guy enough to be with him officially but i'll string him along just incase and just for fun, yes it sounds dumb but i used to do that.
 Sometimes you're hanging in there in the hope that things will change, maybe he'll fall in love you eventually, maybe you'll have 'the talk' eventually, maybe he'll see i'm the one eventually....well,maybe all these things might happen eventually...but then maybe not, so why let someone take you for a ride and ditch you when they're done? Why allow yourself to be in a situation that will cause your heart to be broken eventually? 
The bible says with good reason "Above ALL else guard your heart because it is the well spring of life". When someone is clearly playing games with you and you're in denial you'll end up getting hurt and that's when you conclude that all men are dogs, nah not all men are dogs, just that one that dogged you. If someone doesn't seem interested in you enough then they probably aren't so don't allow them to mess with your heart because always remember that every decision you make is based on the condition of your heart, and if your heart is broken then....Need i say more?

So today ask yourself "Are they taking me for ride, taking their time or are they just not that into me?"

Love yourself enough to never allow any guy or girl to mess with you, realise that God has kept for you that one person that will rock your world! Your creator says this of you "You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession..." (1 Peter 2:9) You're not just anybody.
Dear fellas, to the making of beautiful women there is no end.
Dear ladies, to the making of handsome men there is no end.
Just because someone is good looking doesn't mean they're good for you.
As for me, i don't care how gorgeous you are or how much money you have or what a fresh body you have, if you try to mess with me and my heart you're gone! But i had to learn to love myself, i had to come to terms with who i really am.
Only the one who makes me happy will make me stay...