Monday 24 June 2013

the seemingly trivial moments...

As i went my way i noticed a young boy gently pull a little girl to the side to tie her shoelaces that had come undone,
to me it was a beautiful moment so i smiled as i passed,
that moment to them two would have been a trivial one,
but to the ones who passed by it was one to smile about,
the love portrayed by a young boy who kneels down to tie an even younger girl's shoe laces,
i couldn't help but think he knew if he left the shoe laces undone the little girl would trip over them and fall,
he was merely looking out for someone he loved to protect them from potential danger,

if we paid attention to the moments that seem trivial we would realise that life is nothing short of beautiful,
moments like a man who sees his wife coming towards him and he walks the other way and they both laugh about it,
or when someone says words like "You're not just a pretty face after all",
or someone randomly walking up to and says "You're beautiful",
or even just that random "you're beautiful" in the middle of a conversation,
or asking your dad "do i look nice?" and he answers "you always look nice"
or the bank teller that remembers how to spell your seemingly complicated name,
or a person that goes out of their way to say "you look nice",
or one of my favourites when a random stranger says "smile, it can't be that bad"

Life is beautiful if we choose to see

That other "Godside"

Right, yesterday I read the book of Amos&it got me trembling a bit. It reminded me of another side of God that I don't often think about&i'm sure most of us don't either. Amos talks about the children of God not turning to God&following after things of this world. God became fed up and so he started doing things to get their attention but we can see from them Egypt days the Israelites have always been stubborn(much like us)&always needing God to do something drastic before they turn back to God(much like this generation,we probably worse).

Amos 3:6 says "...When disaster comes into a city, has not the Lord caused it?"
Now take note of the fact that it says "a city" not "this city" or "the city" so this is general talk. This is the other side of God that I want to talk about. God loves us so much&it really breaks His heart when we chase after everyone and everything else except Him! If your husband,wife or child did that I know it would hurt you too.

You know how our parents would discipline us when we did wrong? God is the same but on a larger scale&unless we turn to God-He will keep doing stuff to get our attention so the sooner we do it the better. This applies to us as Nations or as individuals. Do not harden your hearts,it is NOT beneficial in any way. Jeremiah 2:19 says "Your wickedness will punish you,your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realise how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of me" declares the Lord,the Lord Almighty.

Jeremiah 15:19 "If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless words you will be my spokesman..."

Obeying God doesn't benefit God but you! There is no greater honour than to serve Him, trust me :)

Do not under estimate God, clearly there's a lot of things we give the devil glory for when it's actually God at work for our attention&i say God always gets His. God is so loving&kind&compassionate&merciful&everything good&He isn't stupid, He isn't weak but He's patient. Serve Him for He is true, all he wants is the best for us-honestly :)

So just to wrap it up all this madness you see going on in this world isn't because of the devil(&i don't know if he is to be blamed for some of it) he isn't that powerful. I just think most of us simply want to paint a certain picture of God like merely focusing on how he blesses us and how he loves us and He is indeed all these things but He also gives&takes away as He pleases. Don't get caught on the wrong side I beg, serve God!

I think its safe to say the question "If God is so real why do we have all these bad things happening in the world?" It may not be the answer we want to give or hear but I think it's the truth.

Saturday 8 June 2013

My mind sometimes...

Right,thing is the thing: I have one grandparent left. Three of them passed away a while ago. The ones from my mum's side I grew up with them in my life,I know them and I have memories of them and I really really want to thank God for that,they were amazing! I also thank God for my grandma on dad's side coz she still lives.

But my grandfather on dad's side... I never got to know him. I know what he looks like from pictures,my dad looks like him. I'm glad he met me though because that means he died with memories of me. Now all I have left of him is what he looks like and the amazing things people say about him. I remember one of my older cousins saying "I wish you had gotten to know him", and I really do wish I had.
So sometimes I wonder if he knows I think about him a lot and how much I love him and how I actually cry for him sometimes...I don't know,only God knows! So hopefully one day I'll meet him in heaven but only God knows...