Wednesday 7 August 2013

Take back your innocence

"What is wrong with the world today?" one might ask. "Lack of faith" i might answer.
I was just watching tv and the argos aliens advert came on, may i just say i do love them! Anyway, a little argos alien kid was busy being a kid and at one point he/she(cant tell, they're all bald,lol) was on a bike and riding it on the washing line, yes the washing line. At that point i randomly thought "who even told this kid that was possible?" The answer would be a resounding "NO ONE!

Now pause and think on that...

This worldis full of "know it alls" who really dont know it all at all! A lot of people, if not most, are misplaced because somewhere along the (growing up) way they were taught what was possible and what wasnt. Someone may have told them, they may have heard it said, they may have seen people scared and that was it for them. Obviously we need to be guided sometimes, you dont always have to burn to find out you cant play with fire, you can learn by getting told "fire burns". I think we are indirectly taught to fear failure so we stay away from anything that has the potential of failing so a lot of us never realise our dreams because we are too scared to step out. Some have dreams right, then they go and pitch their dream to someone else(possibly a small minded someone else) and they get told to "get real"... What is realer than realising your dreams??? Because we seek validation from others we then often fall back and stay stuck in our comfort zone, in a place you cant fail.

Have you ever seen a kid's drawing? It hardly ever looks like its supposed to yet they keep drawing and handing those drawings proudly to their know why? No one ever told them they cant draw or that they are not good enough. We tell them its beautiful so they keep going and they keep going until we take that away from them as they grow.

How about we take back that innocence and go back to a place where anything is possible, a world where we have no limits because that is the truth. This is exactly why Jesus said said unless you receive the kingdom of heaven like a child you wont enter it.

Dont ever let anyone tell you that you cant do anything, as far as i know with God anything is possible, anything means anything, it's in our DNA. If you look to man for validation and confirmation and approval etc etc you will be limited....

BUT if you look to God...the possibilities are endless!!!!!

Do not measure your success according to those around you, forget whats on your right and left, just look ahead because real success is doing what God has called you to do.

Team Jesus all day *wink*

Thursday 18 July 2013

To think with your pride...

I been procrastinating this particular blog post for more than a minute now, so much that i forgot what even got me wanting to do it so much...oh wait i do remember why now but i cant say.

So thing is some of us or maybe most of us at some point use our pride to make decisions about certain things as opposed to using your heart or mind. We keep ourselves stuck in these situations because we're thinking "what will people think if i dont get this right?" I'll use myself as an example first because i have let pride make decisions for me: I was in a relationship where my guy was cheating on me and i knew it, the girl he was cheating with also knew. Now pride had me stay with this guy longer than i should have because i didn't want to be the one to lose and i felt like the longer i stayed it meant i was winning...boy was i wrong. I started winning the minute i decided i'm done!
I know a lot of people who stay in relationships for the same reason, we want to win but instead we are losing and wasting valuable time.

The worst thing pride will have you believe is that you can handle anything on your own. Imagine suggesting prayer to someone because they are in a tight spot and their response is "i got this" that would be funny if it wasn't so dumb!!! If God doesn't allow it to happen it is not happening. God can shut you down quicker than you can say "i got this". The moment you even think you can do anything without God you've basically put yourself in the place of God...if you ask that satan character he will tell you it is the worst place to try to be...actually he wont tell you because he wants you to go down with him. We are made by God for God, it is such a privilege to be able to talk to God, to be able to ask and receive from Him, it is soooo amazing to have the honour of worshiping Him and i need the world to know this.

Pride will get in the way of your progress. A lot of people want to base their dreams, plans or careers on things they are not good at. Let's say you aspire to be a dancer but you are not flexible at all and someone tells you just that or maybe you want to be a singer, and lets face it a lot of people who can not actually sing want to be singers, and someone tells you to leave that alone you're not good. Pride will have you stick with it because someone chose to be honest with you and noone likes that kind of rejection...or any kind of rejection to be honest so we want to prove them wrong.

My advice is don't let your pride do the thinking for you-it will destroy you. The bible says pride comes before a fall, best believe this is true. Recognise what you're good at and pursue that, recognise when to leave certain situations so that you dont waste time on whats not for you. No thanks to pride a lot of people are misplaced.

Pride is soooo ugly and it WILL destroy you, not that it might or could but it "will" so i encourage you to take it off and lay it before God and repent and do what you know you're supposed to do and if you dont know then ask God.
Out of our own strength we can do nothing productive, sometimes it seems things are going well for us even if we are not dependant on God but if you read the bible you'll realise God won't let that mess last, he always puts a stop to that.

So please ask yourself why you do what you, why you're still in that messy situation etc etc, basically check your motives

I love you all but God loves you best.

Don't think with your pride :)

Stay blessed you stunners

Monday 24 June 2013

the seemingly trivial moments...

As i went my way i noticed a young boy gently pull a little girl to the side to tie her shoelaces that had come undone,
to me it was a beautiful moment so i smiled as i passed,
that moment to them two would have been a trivial one,
but to the ones who passed by it was one to smile about,
the love portrayed by a young boy who kneels down to tie an even younger girl's shoe laces,
i couldn't help but think he knew if he left the shoe laces undone the little girl would trip over them and fall,
he was merely looking out for someone he loved to protect them from potential danger,

if we paid attention to the moments that seem trivial we would realise that life is nothing short of beautiful,
moments like a man who sees his wife coming towards him and he walks the other way and they both laugh about it,
or when someone says words like "You're not just a pretty face after all",
or someone randomly walking up to and says "You're beautiful",
or even just that random "you're beautiful" in the middle of a conversation,
or asking your dad "do i look nice?" and he answers "you always look nice"
or the bank teller that remembers how to spell your seemingly complicated name,
or a person that goes out of their way to say "you look nice",
or one of my favourites when a random stranger says "smile, it can't be that bad"

Life is beautiful if we choose to see

That other "Godside"

Right, yesterday I read the book of Amos&it got me trembling a bit. It reminded me of another side of God that I don't often think about&i'm sure most of us don't either. Amos talks about the children of God not turning to God&following after things of this world. God became fed up and so he started doing things to get their attention but we can see from them Egypt days the Israelites have always been stubborn(much like us)&always needing God to do something drastic before they turn back to God(much like this generation,we probably worse).

Amos 3:6 says "...When disaster comes into a city, has not the Lord caused it?"
Now take note of the fact that it says "a city" not "this city" or "the city" so this is general talk. This is the other side of God that I want to talk about. God loves us so much&it really breaks His heart when we chase after everyone and everything else except Him! If your husband,wife or child did that I know it would hurt you too.

You know how our parents would discipline us when we did wrong? God is the same but on a larger scale&unless we turn to God-He will keep doing stuff to get our attention so the sooner we do it the better. This applies to us as Nations or as individuals. Do not harden your hearts,it is NOT beneficial in any way. Jeremiah 2:19 says "Your wickedness will punish you,your backsliding will rebuke you. Consider then and realise how evil and bitter it is for you when you forsake the Lord your God and have no awe of me" declares the Lord,the Lord Almighty.

Jeremiah 15:19 "If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless words you will be my spokesman..."

Obeying God doesn't benefit God but you! There is no greater honour than to serve Him, trust me :)

Do not under estimate God, clearly there's a lot of things we give the devil glory for when it's actually God at work for our attention&i say God always gets His. God is so loving&kind&compassionate&merciful&everything good&He isn't stupid, He isn't weak but He's patient. Serve Him for He is true, all he wants is the best for us-honestly :)

So just to wrap it up all this madness you see going on in this world isn't because of the devil(&i don't know if he is to be blamed for some of it) he isn't that powerful. I just think most of us simply want to paint a certain picture of God like merely focusing on how he blesses us and how he loves us and He is indeed all these things but He also gives&takes away as He pleases. Don't get caught on the wrong side I beg, serve God!

I think its safe to say the question "If God is so real why do we have all these bad things happening in the world?" It may not be the answer we want to give or hear but I think it's the truth.

Saturday 8 June 2013

My mind sometimes...

Right,thing is the thing: I have one grandparent left. Three of them passed away a while ago. The ones from my mum's side I grew up with them in my life,I know them and I have memories of them and I really really want to thank God for that,they were amazing! I also thank God for my grandma on dad's side coz she still lives.

But my grandfather on dad's side... I never got to know him. I know what he looks like from pictures,my dad looks like him. I'm glad he met me though because that means he died with memories of me. Now all I have left of him is what he looks like and the amazing things people say about him. I remember one of my older cousins saying "I wish you had gotten to know him", and I really do wish I had.
So sometimes I wonder if he knows I think about him a lot and how much I love him and how I actually cry for him sometimes...I don't know,only God knows! So hopefully one day I'll meet him in heaven but only God knows...

Friday 24 May 2013

Random thought About standards....

So I'm chilling in my room thinking 'I should really be packing right now' but oh well,instead of just thinking about it I'm going to write about it. Crazy that I'm making this public but whatever,I'mma do it anyway.

Have you ever had something so good and then lost it or you don't have it anymore but you can't settle for less anymore coz you had that awesome taste. For example, I had a boyfriend once whom I was absolutely crazy about and to me he set the standard for every other guy,you either had to beat that standard or beat it! Sound crazy? Yeah I think so too! Lol,anyway so years later another guy came along and set a new standard... But it didn't work out so now I'm just wondering if and how some other guy is going to top that standard *insert thinking face here*

Another brilliant example is my relationship with God. Before I knew God he wasn't a big deal to me,I wasn't even sure he existed but that was until I was sure he existed. I won't long this one out,what I'm saying is I've had a taste of this life with God and now I want NO other. God is in a league of his own, He's incomparable and the standard he's set NOONE and NOTHING can top that! Sometimes people try to convince me that I'm missing out on this other life without God. HA! That's crazy coz I've been about that life and I wouldn't trade the life I have now for my old one,no way!!!

What was the point of this blog? I'm not sure but maybe what I'll say is always hold out for the best and when you find the best don't ever let it go...

Sunday 7 April 2013

Demonstrating faith???

So one day i was childminding for one of my cousins, at that time their son was about 1 year old or somewhere there. Now you know kids run around a lot, they are filled with so much energy and i think they all think they can do everything and anything including flying. My nephew was no different. He saw one of his toys across the room and decided that's what he wanted so he started to go for it which wasn't a problem...except it kind of was. This lil man was NOT watching where he was going, as he ran his eyes where on the toy that he wanted, that was his destination. He almost tripped over something but he didn't even stop to check what was in his way, lil man kept going till he got to where he was going!!! What's my point??? FAITH!!!

My nephew wanted something and he straight up went for it non stop and as the adult there it was my responsibility to get things out of his way lest he fall and hurt himself. He did not care what was in his way, somehow maybe he trusted that everything should move out of his way as he ran, i don't really know what was going through his mind but what came to my mind was FAITH! See as the bible says "Unless we become like the little ones we can not enter the Kingdom of God".

Imagine if we trusted God enough to go where we're meant to go without worrying about what's in the way and what could possibly make us trip and fall, without worrying about things that might make us fail our mission. Imagine if we had a little kid's mentality and our eye was on our destiny knowing and trusting that obstacles WILL move or be removed from our way... How would our lives be like then?

God is responsible for us as believers, the bible says the just shall live by faith. To me that means i go my way trusting God to stop me when i'm going the wrong way or to remove the obstacles as i go without so much as worrying. Someone said "If you can't do nothing about it, don't worry about it" so my advice to you is have no worries, have no fear and i mean that. The God we serve does not sleep he does not slumber but he watches over us constantly(check Psalm 121 and 125)

Keep your eye on your destination, how you get there is God business coz he's responsible for you!!! God is the adult in this relationship and i expect him to take care of my needs, every single one of them and i never have to worry how because He has always taken care of the "HOW"

I FEAR FAILURE  I HAVE FAITH,i don't have to see the next step to take it!

*Proverbs 3:5-6 = Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight*