Wednesday 8 June 2011

Repent or Perish!!!

Repent or Perish!!
Luke 13:6-8

It is so easy for us to say 'I repent' yet we haven't actually repented. In this parable a man plants a fig tree and for years the fig tree produces no fruit and he decides to cut it down. The man who took care of the vineyard asked him to leave it alone for one more year,if it bears nothing then cut it down.

The fig tree represents us christians,the owner of the vineyard is God and the one who takes care of the vineyard is Jesus. We have been planted here on earth by purpose and for many different reasons many of us are not living out the purpose. Instead we have become comfortable because we feel we are safe, we don't preach the word of God,we don't use the talents and gifts God gave us to glorify Him and to bring many more to repentance. God is not pleased with this. God expects us to do what He said,to follow His commands even when it hurts the most.

Let's not feel safe or comfortable,make use of what God has given you,work with that and produce fruit,God is pleased with that. We are not saved for ourselves but we are saved to do the will of God,to change the lives of many for better.

True repentance is turning away from sin and walking in the will of God. Let's ask God for strength to do just that for we know it pleases God to bless us. Stay blessed

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