Tuesday 18 September 2012

Scars... are they really permanent??

So one day i was at work and there was a pipe that's white in color but it had a red mark on it and clearly this white mark has not always been there. I figured that anyone else  that tried to clean the red mark off probably failed as i did and so it seemed the red mark had become a permanent mark and everyone was used to it that way. Well... i began to realise how we do the very same thing.

I'm sure at some point we've all been through some sort of craziness and that's ok, it's a part of life. Some of these experiences leave us scarred and sometimes it seems it's for life but that's never the case. A guy once said to me 'no condition is permanent' after i had told him he shouldn't bother asking me out cause i already had a boyfriend(which was a lie) and he said he would keep trying because 'no condition is permanent', he was convinced i would be single at some point. Anyway, my point is when we've been hurt that's the same kind of approach i think we should take. I didn't date the guy but i'm certainly running with his phrase.
If it hurts you then its not a part of you so don't accept it regardless of how long the scar/situation has been there. I actually believe that everything can be fixed, YES, everything that has a maker can be fixed and that includes you and i. Your heart can be fixed if someone or some people broke it, the one who made your heart knows exactly how to fix it. Your health can be fixed because God who made you knows exactly how.
There is nothing God cannot do and if you hold on to anything let it be that word, just put your trust in your maker and all will fall into place. Some scars may take longer to get rid of, some wounds may take longer to heal, some situations will seem like they're here to stay... do not believe it,its a lie from the pits of hell!

always remember to pray about everything, the name of Jesus has great power ;)

what is life really about though??

Well... I've just finished reading a book by Kim Cash Tate called Hope Springs and i loved it! That book has taught me so much and it got me thinking. Her books always challenge me as a christian and i love that even more. My friend asked me what God was saying to me this morning...well now its yesterday morning and i said i'm about to finish this book and i'll let you know. So i'm going to share it with you readers as well, this is what i learnt from Kim Cash Tate's book:

Life is not always about what you want or how you want it to be.
You can't be selfish and inconsiderate of others, its not okay,
You wont always get what you want when you want it...sometimes you wont get it at all!
No matter how it feels, some decisions you need to make are going to have to be sacrificial&selfless,
The secret is to pray about everything and to trust God and that He knows best even when it hurts the most.
Every choice you make has consequences no matter how little or how big so you can choose to hold on to past hurts and pains OR you can choose to allow God to help you deal with it and let it go...
Open your mouth, open your heart, open your journal and pick up your pen- do whatever you need to do to talk to God and tell him exactly how you feel because only you know how...