Friday 24 May 2013

Random thought About standards....

So I'm chilling in my room thinking 'I should really be packing right now' but oh well,instead of just thinking about it I'm going to write about it. Crazy that I'm making this public but whatever,I'mma do it anyway.

Have you ever had something so good and then lost it or you don't have it anymore but you can't settle for less anymore coz you had that awesome taste. For example, I had a boyfriend once whom I was absolutely crazy about and to me he set the standard for every other guy,you either had to beat that standard or beat it! Sound crazy? Yeah I think so too! Lol,anyway so years later another guy came along and set a new standard... But it didn't work out so now I'm just wondering if and how some other guy is going to top that standard *insert thinking face here*

Another brilliant example is my relationship with God. Before I knew God he wasn't a big deal to me,I wasn't even sure he existed but that was until I was sure he existed. I won't long this one out,what I'm saying is I've had a taste of this life with God and now I want NO other. God is in a league of his own, He's incomparable and the standard he's set NOONE and NOTHING can top that! Sometimes people try to convince me that I'm missing out on this other life without God. HA! That's crazy coz I've been about that life and I wouldn't trade the life I have now for my old one,no way!!!

What was the point of this blog? I'm not sure but maybe what I'll say is always hold out for the best and when you find the best don't ever let it go...

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