Sunday 7 April 2013

Demonstrating faith???

So one day i was childminding for one of my cousins, at that time their son was about 1 year old or somewhere there. Now you know kids run around a lot, they are filled with so much energy and i think they all think they can do everything and anything including flying. My nephew was no different. He saw one of his toys across the room and decided that's what he wanted so he started to go for it which wasn't a problem...except it kind of was. This lil man was NOT watching where he was going, as he ran his eyes where on the toy that he wanted, that was his destination. He almost tripped over something but he didn't even stop to check what was in his way, lil man kept going till he got to where he was going!!! What's my point??? FAITH!!!

My nephew wanted something and he straight up went for it non stop and as the adult there it was my responsibility to get things out of his way lest he fall and hurt himself. He did not care what was in his way, somehow maybe he trusted that everything should move out of his way as he ran, i don't really know what was going through his mind but what came to my mind was FAITH! See as the bible says "Unless we become like the little ones we can not enter the Kingdom of God".

Imagine if we trusted God enough to go where we're meant to go without worrying about what's in the way and what could possibly make us trip and fall, without worrying about things that might make us fail our mission. Imagine if we had a little kid's mentality and our eye was on our destiny knowing and trusting that obstacles WILL move or be removed from our way... How would our lives be like then?

God is responsible for us as believers, the bible says the just shall live by faith. To me that means i go my way trusting God to stop me when i'm going the wrong way or to remove the obstacles as i go without so much as worrying. Someone said "If you can't do nothing about it, don't worry about it" so my advice to you is have no worries, have no fear and i mean that. The God we serve does not sleep he does not slumber but he watches over us constantly(check Psalm 121 and 125)

Keep your eye on your destination, how you get there is God business coz he's responsible for you!!! God is the adult in this relationship and i expect him to take care of my needs, every single one of them and i never have to worry how because He has always taken care of the "HOW"

I FEAR FAILURE  I HAVE FAITH,i don't have to see the next step to take it!

*Proverbs 3:5-6 = Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight*

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