Thursday 18 July 2013

To think with your pride...

I been procrastinating this particular blog post for more than a minute now, so much that i forgot what even got me wanting to do it so much...oh wait i do remember why now but i cant say.

So thing is some of us or maybe most of us at some point use our pride to make decisions about certain things as opposed to using your heart or mind. We keep ourselves stuck in these situations because we're thinking "what will people think if i dont get this right?" I'll use myself as an example first because i have let pride make decisions for me: I was in a relationship where my guy was cheating on me and i knew it, the girl he was cheating with also knew. Now pride had me stay with this guy longer than i should have because i didn't want to be the one to lose and i felt like the longer i stayed it meant i was winning...boy was i wrong. I started winning the minute i decided i'm done!
I know a lot of people who stay in relationships for the same reason, we want to win but instead we are losing and wasting valuable time.

The worst thing pride will have you believe is that you can handle anything on your own. Imagine suggesting prayer to someone because they are in a tight spot and their response is "i got this" that would be funny if it wasn't so dumb!!! If God doesn't allow it to happen it is not happening. God can shut you down quicker than you can say "i got this". The moment you even think you can do anything without God you've basically put yourself in the place of God...if you ask that satan character he will tell you it is the worst place to try to be...actually he wont tell you because he wants you to go down with him. We are made by God for God, it is such a privilege to be able to talk to God, to be able to ask and receive from Him, it is soooo amazing to have the honour of worshiping Him and i need the world to know this.

Pride will get in the way of your progress. A lot of people want to base their dreams, plans or careers on things they are not good at. Let's say you aspire to be a dancer but you are not flexible at all and someone tells you just that or maybe you want to be a singer, and lets face it a lot of people who can not actually sing want to be singers, and someone tells you to leave that alone you're not good. Pride will have you stick with it because someone chose to be honest with you and noone likes that kind of rejection...or any kind of rejection to be honest so we want to prove them wrong.

My advice is don't let your pride do the thinking for you-it will destroy you. The bible says pride comes before a fall, best believe this is true. Recognise what you're good at and pursue that, recognise when to leave certain situations so that you dont waste time on whats not for you. No thanks to pride a lot of people are misplaced.

Pride is soooo ugly and it WILL destroy you, not that it might or could but it "will" so i encourage you to take it off and lay it before God and repent and do what you know you're supposed to do and if you dont know then ask God.
Out of our own strength we can do nothing productive, sometimes it seems things are going well for us even if we are not dependant on God but if you read the bible you'll realise God won't let that mess last, he always puts a stop to that.

So please ask yourself why you do what you, why you're still in that messy situation etc etc, basically check your motives

I love you all but God loves you best.

Don't think with your pride :)

Stay blessed you stunners

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