Wednesday 7 August 2013

Take back your innocence

"What is wrong with the world today?" one might ask. "Lack of faith" i might answer.
I was just watching tv and the argos aliens advert came on, may i just say i do love them! Anyway, a little argos alien kid was busy being a kid and at one point he/she(cant tell, they're all bald,lol) was on a bike and riding it on the washing line, yes the washing line. At that point i randomly thought "who even told this kid that was possible?" The answer would be a resounding "NO ONE!

Now pause and think on that...

This worldis full of "know it alls" who really dont know it all at all! A lot of people, if not most, are misplaced because somewhere along the (growing up) way they were taught what was possible and what wasnt. Someone may have told them, they may have heard it said, they may have seen people scared and that was it for them. Obviously we need to be guided sometimes, you dont always have to burn to find out you cant play with fire, you can learn by getting told "fire burns". I think we are indirectly taught to fear failure so we stay away from anything that has the potential of failing so a lot of us never realise our dreams because we are too scared to step out. Some have dreams right, then they go and pitch their dream to someone else(possibly a small minded someone else) and they get told to "get real"... What is realer than realising your dreams??? Because we seek validation from others we then often fall back and stay stuck in our comfort zone, in a place you cant fail.

Have you ever seen a kid's drawing? It hardly ever looks like its supposed to yet they keep drawing and handing those drawings proudly to their know why? No one ever told them they cant draw or that they are not good enough. We tell them its beautiful so they keep going and they keep going until we take that away from them as they grow.

How about we take back that innocence and go back to a place where anything is possible, a world where we have no limits because that is the truth. This is exactly why Jesus said said unless you receive the kingdom of heaven like a child you wont enter it.

Dont ever let anyone tell you that you cant do anything, as far as i know with God anything is possible, anything means anything, it's in our DNA. If you look to man for validation and confirmation and approval etc etc you will be limited....

BUT if you look to God...the possibilities are endless!!!!!

Do not measure your success according to those around you, forget whats on your right and left, just look ahead because real success is doing what God has called you to do.

Team Jesus all day *wink*

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