Tuesday 30 October 2012

Thinking in the shower instead of singing in the shower...why do we make fun of God??

I spend a lot of time in the shower, i love hot water so i just stand there till...till whatever time i get out! lol but i have to say my shower thoughts are the best thoughts because they are uninterrupted by anything or anyone. God is free to download His own thoughts into me. I'm able to see things with so much clarity. I know i'm not even the only one. I would go as far as to say the best ideas ever were thought of while someone was in the shower, but that's just a maybe because i wouldn't know for sure. I know a lot of people sing while in the shower but some of us just 'think'...well sometimes i sing too but not too loud.
Stop singing and think!! Ok, you don't have to but just try it. *wink*

Anyway, while in the shower today somehow my mind drifted to people. I thought about how it's not ok for anyone to call anyone ugly. I've always said 'only the one who made something can call it ugly because only he knows how it was supposed to come out', am i right or am i right? I'm soooo right!!

 So i imagined a kid making fun of another kid because they had a big head (supposedly) and the big headed kid went on to ask the other kid if they wanted to be taller and he replied 'yes'. 'So why don't you just do it then, make yourself taller?' the big headed kid asked. 'Because i don't have the ability to do so' the other kid said with his face saying that's an obvious answer! 'So do you think i made my own head like this?' Big headed kid asked. 'No...' the other kid answered tentatively. 'Why?' Big headed kid asked again. The other kid remains silent before hesitantly answering 'Because you don't have the ability to do so'. Big headed smiled and said 'i rest my case' as he walked away.

*The end*

So my point is this: When you call something ugly you offend and insult the maker of it. It is sad that we make other people feel ugly for looking different and the thing is they can't change the way they look. Personally i am guilty of this but i have been trying to see everyone in the light of God.

I paint, i write, i draw and if i, for example, painted something that i envisioned in my head and it came out the exact way i wanted it to and when i showed it to someone and they thought it was ugly i'll be thinking 'that's offensive because you didn't see what i saw in my imagination world this piece is perfect!!'. 

In my last blog i said i hated winter and it's like my song every single winter because i'm constantly saying it but i take it back. I don't hate winter anymore, winter is cold and i don't like being cold but the one who made winter made it perfect so i'm not gonna hate on it...not anymore...i shall try my best.

The next time you want to call someone ugly imagine how God feels because all he sees is awesomeness!!

love you lovelies, i'm off to work...in the beautiful cold winter *wink* 

Saturday 27 October 2012

How about making up our minds before making up our minds?

so i have no plan for what i'm going to write on here so i'm going to be random. i'm at my house, in my room which i hardly ever leave, i never want to leave the house. It's cold and i really hate the cold weather, sometimes i say i wish God would eliminate winter but i don't think thats what i really want,lol. Now that i've said that i've just realised that sometimes we want something so much right, but when we finally get it we realise we didn't want it at all. I recently made a decision and i didn't like the results!! I made this decision after days of thinking about it because i wanted to make sure i was sure but after the decision was made i realised i was never sure, i had made up my mind from the first day i decided i was going to think about it. Now i'm stuck with this decision and i keep praying that God would help me reverse the situation because i can honestly say i think i made a mistake. So let me say this: if you say you're going to think about something please actually think about it and weigh the options as in actually weigh the options so that you don't regret it. I know that a lot of us have already made up our minds when we decide we're trying to make a decision. I once read somewhere that if you think you're confused flip a coin for the decision and while the coin is in the air you'll hope for just one thing and that one thing you hoped for needless to say is what you really want. Makes sense right? I knoooow! lol

Sunday 7 October 2012

i never thought i was ugly but i never thought i was beautiful...

'Hezekiah stops on a clearing without trees and looks up into the night. "What makes the sky beautiful?" he says. I look up, then over at him, wondering where the question came from, and what the right answer is. "Is it the stars?" He asks. "The moon? Is it the clear blue of daytime? Or maybe blue with puffy white clouds? Sunrise? Sunset? All of these things make the sky beautiful, don't they? Variety-from sky blue to dusky oranges and reds to the black of night. But i think it's more than that." He drops my hand and spreads his arms upward. "It's beautiful because the God of heaven made it. He is beautiful'

The quote above is from Kim Cash Tate's book Heavenly places which i have enjoyed reading immensely! As i say every time i read her books- she always challenges me. Heavenly places taught me a whole lot. I remember when i was growing up i didn't fit in anywhere. I remember being told that when i was young i was ugly, though they now use the word ugly in the past tense  cant help but feel insecure about the way i look. Everyone, well almost everyone pointed out what was different about me, that i'm tall for a girl, my fingers are long, my face is long, my toes are long, my nose s big, i have a lisp-i talk funny etc but nobody ever told me that all those features are also beautiful. I cant lie and say i think i'm ugly because that would be a lie but i just find it hard to believe when someone tells me i'm beautiful and just like Treva in the book i just cant receive it. The other day i was sat with a guy and we were talking about something and he told me that i'm beautiful and my instant response was "Really?" and he assured me,lol, the 'really wasn't meant to be out loud, it was honestly meant to stay in my head. Every time someone calls me beautiful my mind races back to when someone once saw a guy i was dating(who was very handsome) and the words she said to me were 'Chi people like you arent supposed to date guys like that, its people like me that should' i responded lightly, what could  say to a girl who had said to my face i didn't look like i could date a handsome guy,lol, its funny now that i think about it, how people will make others feel inferior so that they may feel superior. In all my grown up life only two people dared to call me 'not beautiful' and sometimes that drowns every other voice that has ever told me i'm beautiful. I've never thought i was ugly but i've never thought i was beautiful either, i just thought i was... nothing to look at really, nothing special about me.... except there's everything special about me. See just as Hezekiah says in the above quote what makes the sky beautiful is not only the blue sky, the gorgeous puffy clouds and all that, so much more makes it beautiful. Not only one thing that makes me beautiful, nope! It's my long face, my big nose, my ears, lisp that makes me talk funny, my skin colour and shade, not only my lovely kinky hair or just my body shape but its a combination of all these features but above all of this its the fact that God made me, there's nothing wrong with the way i look. God has always tells me that only the one one who made me can tell me when any part of me too big or too small so in conclusion, i was never ugly and  never will be, my face isn't too long, my nails and fingers arent too long, neither are my toes, my hips aint too big. I love the way i look and i cant imagine myself looking any different and this is God's honest truth. I used to be insecure about my insecurities and this is the first time i'm sharing this in public, i know there's many people out there who are insecure about their looks for all sorts of reasons  but you are beautiful and i know it sounds cliche but trust me, God made you the way you are on purpose
i waved 'bye bye' to insecurities-i'm free!
Be careful what words you speak to others because you never know what you may plant n someone's life, forgive those that trespass against you, and always remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made-you are not flawed in your make-up. Don't believe what they say, believe what God says.

i encourage all ya'll to get all of Kim Cash Tate's books, i learn so much every time and i'm currently waiting for her next one ;)

love ya'll gorgeous people