Saturday 27 October 2012

How about making up our minds before making up our minds?

so i have no plan for what i'm going to write on here so i'm going to be random. i'm at my house, in my room which i hardly ever leave, i never want to leave the house. It's cold and i really hate the cold weather, sometimes i say i wish God would eliminate winter but i don't think thats what i really want,lol. Now that i've said that i've just realised that sometimes we want something so much right, but when we finally get it we realise we didn't want it at all. I recently made a decision and i didn't like the results!! I made this decision after days of thinking about it because i wanted to make sure i was sure but after the decision was made i realised i was never sure, i had made up my mind from the first day i decided i was going to think about it. Now i'm stuck with this decision and i keep praying that God would help me reverse the situation because i can honestly say i think i made a mistake. So let me say this: if you say you're going to think about something please actually think about it and weigh the options as in actually weigh the options so that you don't regret it. I know that a lot of us have already made up our minds when we decide we're trying to make a decision. I once read somewhere that if you think you're confused flip a coin for the decision and while the coin is in the air you'll hope for just one thing and that one thing you hoped for needless to say is what you really want. Makes sense right? I knoooow! lol

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