Tuesday 30 October 2012

Thinking in the shower instead of singing in the shower...why do we make fun of God??

I spend a lot of time in the shower, i love hot water so i just stand there till...till whatever time i get out! lol but i have to say my shower thoughts are the best thoughts because they are uninterrupted by anything or anyone. God is free to download His own thoughts into me. I'm able to see things with so much clarity. I know i'm not even the only one. I would go as far as to say the best ideas ever were thought of while someone was in the shower, but that's just a maybe because i wouldn't know for sure. I know a lot of people sing while in the shower but some of us just 'think'...well sometimes i sing too but not too loud.
Stop singing and think!! Ok, you don't have to but just try it. *wink*

Anyway, while in the shower today somehow my mind drifted to people. I thought about how it's not ok for anyone to call anyone ugly. I've always said 'only the one who made something can call it ugly because only he knows how it was supposed to come out', am i right or am i right? I'm soooo right!!

 So i imagined a kid making fun of another kid because they had a big head (supposedly) and the big headed kid went on to ask the other kid if they wanted to be taller and he replied 'yes'. 'So why don't you just do it then, make yourself taller?' the big headed kid asked. 'Because i don't have the ability to do so' the other kid said with his face saying that's an obvious answer! 'So do you think i made my own head like this?' Big headed kid asked. 'No...' the other kid answered tentatively. 'Why?' Big headed kid asked again. The other kid remains silent before hesitantly answering 'Because you don't have the ability to do so'. Big headed smiled and said 'i rest my case' as he walked away.

*The end*

So my point is this: When you call something ugly you offend and insult the maker of it. It is sad that we make other people feel ugly for looking different and the thing is they can't change the way they look. Personally i am guilty of this but i have been trying to see everyone in the light of God.

I paint, i write, i draw and if i, for example, painted something that i envisioned in my head and it came out the exact way i wanted it to and when i showed it to someone and they thought it was ugly i'll be thinking 'that's offensive because you didn't see what i saw in my imagination world this piece is perfect!!'. 

In my last blog i said i hated winter and it's like my song every single winter because i'm constantly saying it but i take it back. I don't hate winter anymore, winter is cold and i don't like being cold but the one who made winter made it perfect so i'm not gonna hate on it...not anymore...i shall try my best.

The next time you want to call someone ugly imagine how God feels because all he sees is awesomeness!!

love you lovelies, i'm off to work...in the beautiful cold winter *wink* 

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