Thursday 10 January 2013

I dare you!!! Do you dare?

Hey there lovers, how ya'll doing in 2013? I'm feeling good as always ;)

So anyway for a while now i've been wanting to blog about this thing i'm about to write now,lol.
For a while now i've had a problem with my arm, i have this constant pain,sometimes it feels better sometimes it doesn't. One day i was at work and i moved my arm a certain way and the pain i felt was crazy!!!! Why i'm making a big deal out of it is because at this time i thought the pain was going away but do you know what i realised??? I realised that the pain had always been there but i had learnt how to move my arm and how to NOT move my arm in order to not feel the pain... Where am i going with this?? Follow me....

A lot of us are like this with so many issues that we have in our life, we've been going through some things for so long we've gotten used to putting up with them, it could be a habit, someone hurt you, anger issues, i don't know only you know what crazy issues are in your life and for some the world knows your issues,lol, especially if you put them up on things like facebook and twitter but that's not even the point-it's just the fact that there are things you've gotten used to and comfortable with or that you put up with when you shouldn't have to!!!!
Some of these issues we have lie dormant until they erupt and we're reminded "Hey, that issue's still hanging inside of me". What's my advice??? Deal with your issues!!!! For example myself, i should go see a doctor about my arm- what do you need to do or who do you need to go and see in order for your issue to get dealt with?? And may i also say a lot of us will need discipline to overcome our issues, some will need to let go of some things or some people. Do whatever it takes to be free, ask God to help you because i know for sure there is nothing he cannot fix, after all He's the maker of you *wink*.

According to Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do whatever we can ask of Him or whatever we can imagine, so       
as far as your imagination goes God can go further than that-you get what i'm saying?


I dare you to be free from your issues, i dare you!

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