Monday 23 May 2011

why is God a jealous God?????

Exodus 20:4-5 “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God..."

'Why is God a jealous God?' is a question asked by many. They have come to believe that for God to be jealous is such a selfish characteristic and so they don't want to believe in such a God. First of all i want to quote this verse- Genesis 1:26 'Then God said 'let us make man in our image, in our likeness'....'.

Now i'm going to define the words 'image' and 'likeness'
*image-A reproduction of the form of a person or object.
*likeness-An imitative appearance; a resemblance.

We are a mirror image of God otherwise God would not have said in Psalm 82:6 'you are gods...'.
When God sees us He sees Himself, why? because we are made like him.

Now i'm going to look as us as humans.
Lets say you have a husband and you see your husband flirting with another woman, worse still cheating on you with another woman, would you not feel jealous,hurt and angry??? why? Because that man is your husband and he is yours alone, he made a commitment to be faithful to you forever, right?

Another example is this- You are married and you have children. You work so hard to take care of your children. You give them nothing less than the best because you love them so dearly and you know you are willing to die for them. When your children grow up they get the most amazing jobs ever and they are successful and wealthy but they don't spend a penny on you, instead they spend their money on another person's parents and on other families except your pause.....think about it.....How does that feel???

*Jealous-intolerant of unfaithfulness

'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son,that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life'[John3:16]. This is the most popular verse in the bible but this is the reality of what God did. Why?? Because He is a Father who truly loves His children. Most parents would give their lives for their children and guess what? So did God!

Do you know how frustrating is for someone else to receive glory for something that you did?
If you get jealous over someone or something that you had no part in creating how about the one who actually created and made it possible for you to have that thing? 
You breath His air yet you don't reverence Him, You walk His earth and yet you don't acknowledge Him?? God is the reason you live and breath!!!What is it that's in your life that you have control over?? Nothing!!! You know why?? Because though you are made in the likeness of God you're still not Him, His greatness we can never begin to comprehend!!!

All God wants from us is a relationship and He has made it very possible through His Son JesusChrist. Romans 10:9 says that all you have to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that Jesus was risen by God from the dead you will be saved. God only asks that you believe in Him and when you do believe in Him you will follow His commands. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past God will forgive you and He will give you a brand new start so feel free to take that step because you are not condemned instead you are so deeply loved.

God is rightfully jealous over us, all we are and all we will ever become is because He is here with us always and forever.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Tomorrow's not promised to anyone!!!

The other night as I slept I felt something weird happen to me, something I have never felt before, something that a whole lot of people dread to go through. I felt myself losing my breath, I could not move, I could not speak – I literally could not do anything and I realised that my only option was to pray. My prayer consisted of repenting, that is all I could think of praying about. I honestly thought was dying and this was the end of me.
It dawned on me the things I should have done that I have not done and the things I did that I should not have done. I was not praying for God to spare my life, rather I was praying for God to take me to heaven. This is how selfish we are as human beings!!  We live our lives, we don’t give God 100% and yet we all want to go to heaven. We as Christians live double standard lives, we are committed yet not fully committed. God doesn’t want half of you or a small part of you, He wants ALL of you!!
REVELATIONS 3:15-16 says ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other. So because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth’
Verse 19 goes on to say ‘those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent!!’
I got my rebuke the hard way, sometimes we get so comfortable as Christians and we hide behind verses like ‘there is therefore no condemnation to those that are in Christ’ or maybe the fact that the bible says ‘no one is perfect’ or maybe and even mostly the ‘DO NOT JUDGE’ and by so doing we take advantage of grace. Even the apostle Paul says ‘shall we continue sinning that grace may abound? God forbid!’
See people when we became first saved there’s a whole load of things we stopped doing because as we got to know God we began to walk in the fear of the Lord, we loved Him with all of our hearts, everything we did was to the glory of His name….. somewhere along the road we got more and more comfortable, we conformed to the ways of the world out of fear of not wanting to be called ‘holier than thou’ for some it’s to please the flesh just a little bit and  then it turns into a habit.
Please believe me when I say ‘the things that were wrong when you got saved are the same things that are still wrong now!!’. God never changes, He remains the same, yes-the things He hated then are the things He still hates now and that’s just the truth!!!  We ought to be an example and a testimony to the unsaved but we have become like them who do not know God. My prayer is that we all go back to our first love, let’s get to know the lover of our souls & our Prince like we did before. You don’t want to be cheated on by your husband or wife, what makes you think that God is ok with being cheated on with dumb gods, with idols that you have set up in your heart???  It’s not right!!
We need to make a change before it’s too late. Let your aim be to please God at all times. Exodus 28; 28 says ‘and He said to the human race: ‘The fear of the Lord-that is wisdom and to shun evil is understanding’.
Unless you get to know God for the first time or yet again-whatever you think is wisdom is not wisdom at all. My prayer is that we all go back to our first love, that we all remember what God saved us from when He saved us.

He was totally human!!!

I was at work the other day and I was working with one of my unsaved friends. This girl loves to ask me about God because it fascinates her why I always read my bible during every lunch break. So she asked me this question; ‘if God loves the world so much why can’t he send Jesus to die for the world again, I’m sure things are worse now than they were before?’ At first I didn’t know what to say but then I answered her ‘are u kidding me? You want him to die all over again for a stubborn people that didn’t believe him the first time?’.
I then thought about it later on and I read the crucifixion of Jesus and I thought ‘ah ah!!! No one should ever have to go through what Jesus went through again. Not in heaven, not on earth or anywhere EVER!.
Jesus felt the pain before they even started beating him and physically assaulting him. He was physically totally human and he knew the physical pain was soon coming and this is why he prayed ‘Father if you are willing take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done’. An angel came from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. LUKE 22;42-44. Take note the bible even says ‘being in anguish he prayed more earnestly’ meaning that because he was in great pain and grief he even prayed more because he knew that only God could save him, only God could give him comfort and peace throughout what he was about to go through. God wants us to be the same way, leaning on him when it hurts the most, calling on him in times of trouble, allowing him to have His way with us at all times.
A non human would have NEVER prayed such a prayer, he would never have needed an angel to strengthen him, sweat would not have been falling down like drops of blood. In other words Jesus was terrified and it doesn’t get more human than that. The words he prayed were that of a person who didn’t want to hurt or feel pain yet he had to go through that pain he was dreading.
Jesus was mocked, blindfolded, insulted (Luke 22;63). He was ridiculed, beaten, spit on, looked down upon, humiliated, shouted at, crucified and made to suffer as if he wasn’t the true King of Kings all for the love he has for his creation and yet someone has the nerve to ask him to do it again? Though some ask that he come again to die some of us are busy crucifying him all over again every single day of our lives. Imagine you buy someone a car because they have to walk long distances just to get to work and by the end of the day the have sores on their feet and all sorts right? But even after you buy the car you see the person STILL walks to work and STILL ends up with sores on their feet, will that not hurt you?? Well in the case with Jesus it’s a million times worse because we still feel the pain he died to take from us. Imagine the hurt he feels when he sees the devil overcoming us, the very thing he suffered to get rid of? That is what the bible means when it says ‘we crucify him all over again’ because a lot of times we make it seem like he died for nothing!!!
It is time we let the world know what Jesus really did on that cross for the world. He took up the burdens of the world, the whole world yet we still carry things we have no business carrying. I want to tell you all and to remind some of you that YOU are the reason Jesus suffered the way He did, YOU are that important to Him, YOU are that much loved by Him. The truth is you mean so much more you could ever imagine. You have been made Royalty by blood (1Peter2;9, John3;16). Its not a joke, it’s the truth, the very honest truth.

The MOST perfect man....

I know a man, the most beautiful man in all the universe,
A man i've never seen yet i care so much what He thinks about me,
Never seen Him yet all i want to do is please Him,
I've never seen Him yet He is more than evident in my life,

I know a man i've never seen yet i know when His presence is within me,
I even know when i'm without His presence,
And the most amazing thing is it hurts so badly without His unseen presence,
Without Him i'm so lost and i feel so confused,
He alone is my reality and without Him everything is so unreal.

I am so in love with Him and as each day passes by i love Him a little more,
He knows me from the inside out,
He hears even the words i don't speak,
He makes me want to be better.

See, though i have not seen Him i know He's true and i know He's real,
Awesome in every single way,
Full of everything good
Ladies and gentlemen- though i don't see Him-He sees me,
And He loves me and that's why i love Him.....BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED ME!
Jesus is His name....The Hero of ALL time!!