Sunday 22 May 2011

Tomorrow's not promised to anyone!!!

The other night as I slept I felt something weird happen to me, something I have never felt before, something that a whole lot of people dread to go through. I felt myself losing my breath, I could not move, I could not speak – I literally could not do anything and I realised that my only option was to pray. My prayer consisted of repenting, that is all I could think of praying about. I honestly thought was dying and this was the end of me.
It dawned on me the things I should have done that I have not done and the things I did that I should not have done. I was not praying for God to spare my life, rather I was praying for God to take me to heaven. This is how selfish we are as human beings!!  We live our lives, we don’t give God 100% and yet we all want to go to heaven. We as Christians live double standard lives, we are committed yet not fully committed. God doesn’t want half of you or a small part of you, He wants ALL of you!!
REVELATIONS 3:15-16 says ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other. So because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth’
Verse 19 goes on to say ‘those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent!!’
I got my rebuke the hard way, sometimes we get so comfortable as Christians and we hide behind verses like ‘there is therefore no condemnation to those that are in Christ’ or maybe the fact that the bible says ‘no one is perfect’ or maybe and even mostly the ‘DO NOT JUDGE’ and by so doing we take advantage of grace. Even the apostle Paul says ‘shall we continue sinning that grace may abound? God forbid!’
See people when we became first saved there’s a whole load of things we stopped doing because as we got to know God we began to walk in the fear of the Lord, we loved Him with all of our hearts, everything we did was to the glory of His name….. somewhere along the road we got more and more comfortable, we conformed to the ways of the world out of fear of not wanting to be called ‘holier than thou’ for some it’s to please the flesh just a little bit and  then it turns into a habit.
Please believe me when I say ‘the things that were wrong when you got saved are the same things that are still wrong now!!’. God never changes, He remains the same, yes-the things He hated then are the things He still hates now and that’s just the truth!!!  We ought to be an example and a testimony to the unsaved but we have become like them who do not know God. My prayer is that we all go back to our first love, let’s get to know the lover of our souls & our Prince like we did before. You don’t want to be cheated on by your husband or wife, what makes you think that God is ok with being cheated on with dumb gods, with idols that you have set up in your heart???  It’s not right!!
We need to make a change before it’s too late. Let your aim be to please God at all times. Exodus 28; 28 says ‘and He said to the human race: ‘The fear of the Lord-that is wisdom and to shun evil is understanding’.
Unless you get to know God for the first time or yet again-whatever you think is wisdom is not wisdom at all. My prayer is that we all go back to our first love, that we all remember what God saved us from when He saved us.

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