Monday 23 May 2011

why is God a jealous God?????

Exodus 20:4-5 “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God..."

'Why is God a jealous God?' is a question asked by many. They have come to believe that for God to be jealous is such a selfish characteristic and so they don't want to believe in such a God. First of all i want to quote this verse- Genesis 1:26 'Then God said 'let us make man in our image, in our likeness'....'.

Now i'm going to define the words 'image' and 'likeness'
*image-A reproduction of the form of a person or object.
*likeness-An imitative appearance; a resemblance.

We are a mirror image of God otherwise God would not have said in Psalm 82:6 'you are gods...'.
When God sees us He sees Himself, why? because we are made like him.

Now i'm going to look as us as humans.
Lets say you have a husband and you see your husband flirting with another woman, worse still cheating on you with another woman, would you not feel jealous,hurt and angry??? why? Because that man is your husband and he is yours alone, he made a commitment to be faithful to you forever, right?

Another example is this- You are married and you have children. You work so hard to take care of your children. You give them nothing less than the best because you love them so dearly and you know you are willing to die for them. When your children grow up they get the most amazing jobs ever and they are successful and wealthy but they don't spend a penny on you, instead they spend their money on another person's parents and on other families except your pause.....think about it.....How does that feel???

*Jealous-intolerant of unfaithfulness

'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son,that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life'[John3:16]. This is the most popular verse in the bible but this is the reality of what God did. Why?? Because He is a Father who truly loves His children. Most parents would give their lives for their children and guess what? So did God!

Do you know how frustrating is for someone else to receive glory for something that you did?
If you get jealous over someone or something that you had no part in creating how about the one who actually created and made it possible for you to have that thing? 
You breath His air yet you don't reverence Him, You walk His earth and yet you don't acknowledge Him?? God is the reason you live and breath!!!What is it that's in your life that you have control over?? Nothing!!! You know why?? Because though you are made in the likeness of God you're still not Him, His greatness we can never begin to comprehend!!!

All God wants from us is a relationship and He has made it very possible through His Son JesusChrist. Romans 10:9 says that all you have to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that Jesus was risen by God from the dead you will be saved. God only asks that you believe in Him and when you do believe in Him you will follow His commands. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past God will forgive you and He will give you a brand new start so feel free to take that step because you are not condemned instead you are so deeply loved.

God is rightfully jealous over us, all we are and all we will ever become is because He is here with us always and forever.

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