Sunday 22 May 2011

He was totally human!!!

I was at work the other day and I was working with one of my unsaved friends. This girl loves to ask me about God because it fascinates her why I always read my bible during every lunch break. So she asked me this question; ‘if God loves the world so much why can’t he send Jesus to die for the world again, I’m sure things are worse now than they were before?’ At first I didn’t know what to say but then I answered her ‘are u kidding me? You want him to die all over again for a stubborn people that didn’t believe him the first time?’.
I then thought about it later on and I read the crucifixion of Jesus and I thought ‘ah ah!!! No one should ever have to go through what Jesus went through again. Not in heaven, not on earth or anywhere EVER!.
Jesus felt the pain before they even started beating him and physically assaulting him. He was physically totally human and he knew the physical pain was soon coming and this is why he prayed ‘Father if you are willing take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done’. An angel came from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. LUKE 22;42-44. Take note the bible even says ‘being in anguish he prayed more earnestly’ meaning that because he was in great pain and grief he even prayed more because he knew that only God could save him, only God could give him comfort and peace throughout what he was about to go through. God wants us to be the same way, leaning on him when it hurts the most, calling on him in times of trouble, allowing him to have His way with us at all times.
A non human would have NEVER prayed such a prayer, he would never have needed an angel to strengthen him, sweat would not have been falling down like drops of blood. In other words Jesus was terrified and it doesn’t get more human than that. The words he prayed were that of a person who didn’t want to hurt or feel pain yet he had to go through that pain he was dreading.
Jesus was mocked, blindfolded, insulted (Luke 22;63). He was ridiculed, beaten, spit on, looked down upon, humiliated, shouted at, crucified and made to suffer as if he wasn’t the true King of Kings all for the love he has for his creation and yet someone has the nerve to ask him to do it again? Though some ask that he come again to die some of us are busy crucifying him all over again every single day of our lives. Imagine you buy someone a car because they have to walk long distances just to get to work and by the end of the day the have sores on their feet and all sorts right? But even after you buy the car you see the person STILL walks to work and STILL ends up with sores on their feet, will that not hurt you?? Well in the case with Jesus it’s a million times worse because we still feel the pain he died to take from us. Imagine the hurt he feels when he sees the devil overcoming us, the very thing he suffered to get rid of? That is what the bible means when it says ‘we crucify him all over again’ because a lot of times we make it seem like he died for nothing!!!
It is time we let the world know what Jesus really did on that cross for the world. He took up the burdens of the world, the whole world yet we still carry things we have no business carrying. I want to tell you all and to remind some of you that YOU are the reason Jesus suffered the way He did, YOU are that important to Him, YOU are that much loved by Him. The truth is you mean so much more you could ever imagine. You have been made Royalty by blood (1Peter2;9, John3;16). Its not a joke, it’s the truth, the very honest truth.

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